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Margaret MacKenzie


Margaret MacKenzie, The COHIA Board Member

Co-Founder, Salt Creek Hemp

Co-Founder, Eleven Acres

Margaret is a bold pioneer in the hemp industry. She convinced her mother to plant hemp on their family ranch in 2015, Colorado’s second legal harvest. As one of the first growers on the Western Slope of Colorado, her experience and knowledge of the hemp plant is exceptional. She uses regenerative farming practices to grow potent, pure hemp that is used in her two retail lines,  Salt Creek Hemp and Eleven Acres. 

Margaret is immersed in educating and elevating the hemp industry, including educational speaking across the US and Caribbean, steering committee and board member of the Hemp Feed Coalition, board member of the Colorado Hemp Industries Association, steering committee for the Colorado Department of Agriculture’s CHAMP Initiative  and consulting new hemp growers on best practices.

Her greatest passion is helping small, independent farmers become hemp growers, empowering the farm economy while also creating all natural beneficial hemp products. 

Recent Panels & Podcasts:

US Hemp Growers Conference, Bloomington, MN (2/20)

US Hemp Growers Conference, Puerto Rico (1/20)

US Hemp Growers Conference, Las Vegas (10/19)

Hemp Barons Podcast (9/19)

NoCo Hemp Expo (3/19)

Hawaii Hemp Conference (12/18)

Southern US Hemp Growers Conference (11/18)

On the Edge w/ April Mahoney (7/18)


Hemp History Week, Featured Farmer (2017)